NOC Services

Common Misconceptions About Outsourced NOC Services

Common Misconceptions About Outsourced NOC Services

Outsourcing network operations center (NOC) services can be cost-effective for businesses looking to streamline their IT operations. However, many misconceptions surround the outsourcing of NOC services. Are you aware of the common myths holding you back from considering this valuable option for your business?

Outsourcing NOC services has become increasingly popular as businesses strive to improve efficiency and reduce costs. However, many things still need to be clarified about what outsourcing NOC services entails and the benefits it can provide. It’s important to separate fact from fiction to make informed decisions about your IT infrastructure.

If you are hesitant about outsourcing NOC services for your business, it’s crucial to understand the truth behind the common misconceptions. By dispelling these myths, you can decide whether outsourcing NOC services is right for your business. Let’s explore some common misconceptions about outsourced NOC services and uncover the truth behind them.

Common Misconceptions About Outsourced NOC Services

When it comes to outsourced NOC services, several common misconceptions may prevent businesses from considering this option. Let’s debunk some of these myths :

Outsourced NOC services are not as reliable as in-house IT teams: 

Outsourced NOC services are often perceived as less reliable than in-house IT teams because they are not physically present. However, this is a common misconception.

In reality, outsourced NOC service providers are highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in managing and monitoring network operations.

Outsourced NOC service providers typically operate 24/7, providing round-the-clock business monitoring and support. They often use advanced monitoring tools and technology to ensure optimal performance and minimize downtime. By partnering with a reputable outsourced NOC service provider, businesses can benefit from the expertise and efficiency of dedicated professionals.

MSPs do not understand the specific needs of each business: 

Some companies believe that MSPs offer generic solutions that may not align with their unique business requirements. However, most MSPs work closely with their clients to understand their specific needs and tailor their services accordingly. They can customize monitoring and management strategies to address each business’s individual challenges and goals.

Outsourcing NOC services means losing control over network security: 

Some businesses fear that entrusting their network operations to a third-party provider will compromise the security of their data and systems.

In reality, reputable MSPs prioritize network security and have robust measures in place to safeguard their clients’ sensitive information. They often have industry certifications and follow best practices to ensure their clients’ data’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Quality of service:

Another common misconceptions about outsourced NOC services is that the quality of service may not be up to par compared to an in-house IT team. However, reputable MSPs prioritize delivering high-quality services to their clients. They often have strict service level agreements (SLAs) in place to guarantee a certain level of performance, response times, and availability.

MSPs invest in training and development to ensure that their team members are skilled and knowledgeable in the latest technology trends. This commitment to excellence helps them deliver top-notch services to their clients.

Outsourcing NOC services is only for large companies: 

Outsourcing NOC services is often seen as something only large companies can afford or benefit from. However, this is a common misconception. In reality, businesses of all sizes can benefit from outsourcing NOC services.

Small and medium-sized businesses may not have the resources to maintain an in-house IT team capable of monitoring and managing their network 24/7. By outsourcing NOC services to a trusted MSP, they can access the expertise and technology needed to ensure the security, performance, and reliability of their network without the high costs associated with an in-house team. Outsourcing allows businesses of all sizes to focus on their core operations while leaving network monitoring and management to experienced professionals.

Lack of control and communication: 

Some businesses fear that outsourcing NOC services will result in losing control over their network operations and communication with the service provider. However, reputable outsourced NOC providers prioritize clear communication, regular updates, and client transparency. They work closely with your team to ensure your network operations align with your business goals and strategies. Additionally, outsourcing provides more visibility and control over network performance through regular reporting and monitoring.

Limited flexibility: 

Some businesses may fear that outsourcing NOC services will limit their flexibility in making changes to their network or adapting to new technologies. However, reputable MSPs understand the importance of flexibility and scalability for their clients.

MSPs can easily scale their services up or down based on a business’s changing needs. They can quickly deploy additional resources during peak times, adjust monitoring and management strategies as needed, and integrate new technologies seamlessly. Outsourcing NOC services can actually enhance a business’s flexibility by providing access to a wide range of expertise and resources that may not be available in-house.

Outsourcing NOC services is too expensive: 

Outsourcing NOC services is often perceived as being too expensive for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Some businesses may believe that the cost of outsourcing will outweigh the benefits, leading them to stick with managing their network operations in-house.

However, the reality is that outsourcing NOC services can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. By working with a reputable MSP, businesses can avoid the high costs associated with hiring and training an in-house IT team, investing in expensive monitoring tools and software, and dealing with costly network downtime due to a lack of expertise.

Outsourcing NOC services allows businesses to pay for only the services they need, whether it’s 24/7 monitoring, incident response, performance optimization, or security management. MSPs offer flexible pricing models tailored to fit a business’s budget and specific requirements. In addition, outsourcing NOC services can help businesses avoid unexpected costs associated with network outages or security breaches, as MSPs have the expertise and tools needed to prevent and quickly resolve these issues.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Outsourcing NOC Services?

When considering outsourcing NOC (Network Operations Center) services, it’s essential to ask yourself a series of questions to ensure you’re making an informed decision aligned with your organization’s needs and objectives. Here are some key questions to consider:

  1. What are our specific network management challenges and goals?
    • Identify the pain points, inefficiencies, or gaps in your current network operations.
    • Determine the desired outcomes and objectives you aim to achieve through NOC outsourcing.
  2. Do we have the internal resources and expertise to manage our network effectively?
    • Assess your organization’s internal capabilities, skills, and bandwidth for network monitoring, management, and troubleshooting.
    • Determine if any knowledge or skill gaps could be addressed through outsourcing.
  3. What level of network monitoring and support do we require?
    • Define the scope and scale of NOC services needed, including monitoring frequency, coverage (24/7, weekdays, specific hours), and response times.
    • Consider whether you need basic monitoring, advanced analytics, incident management, security operations, compliance support, or a combination of services.
  4. What are our budgetary constraints and cost considerations?
    • Evaluate your budget for NOC services, considering both short-term costs and long-term investments.
    • Determine the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing compared to maintaining an in-house NOC, factoring in personnel expenses, infrastructure costs, and potential savings or ROI from outsourcing.
  5. What level of control and oversight do we require over our network operations?
    • Assess your preferences regarding control, visibility, and decision-making authority over network management activities.
    • Consider whether you’re comfortable delegating certain responsibilities to an external provider or prefer more hands-on involvement and oversight.
  6. What are our compliance, security, and data privacy requirements?
    • Identify regulatory obligations, industry standards, or security protocols relevant to your network operations.
    • Ensure that potential NOC providers have robust security measures, compliance certifications, and data protection mechanisms in place to meet your requirements.
  7. How critical is uptime, reliability, and performance for our business operations?
    • Determine the level of uptime, reliability, and performance required to support your business-critical applications and services.
    • Assess whether outsourcing NOC services can enhance network resilience, minimize downtime, and optimize performance to meet your operational needs.
  8. What level of scalability and flexibility do we need from our NOC provider?
    • Consider your organization’s growth trajectory, seasonal fluctuations, and scalability requirements for network operations.
    • Evaluate whether potential NOC providers can accommodate changes in workload, service levels, or geographic expansion as your business evolves.
  9. What are our expectations regarding service quality, communication, and customer support?
    • Define your expectations for service levels, responsiveness, communication channels, and customer support from the NOC provider.
    • Assess the provider’s track record, reputation, and client testimonials to ensure they can deliver on their promises and meet your service expectations.
  10. What are the risks, challenges, and potential drawbacks of outsourcing NOC services?
    • Identify potential risks, challenges, or disadvantages associated with outsourcing.
    • Evaluate strategies to mitigate risks and address challenges effectively to minimize any adverse impacts on your network operations.

By carefully considering these questions and conducting a thorough assessment of your organization’s needs, priorities, and constraints, you can decide whether outsourcing NOC services is the right choice for your business.

Why Choose ExterNetworks

ExterNetworks’ proven track record of delivering high-quality service, its team of skilled professionals with specialized knowledge in network operations and cybersecurity, and its commitment to clear communication and client transparency are benefits of choosing ExterNetworks for outsourced NOC services.

With ExterNetworks, businesses can maintain control and oversight of their network operations while benefiting from the expertise and resources offered by the MSP.

In addition to the above, ExterNetworks also offers customizable solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring that you receive the level of service and support that is right for you. Their flexible pricing options make it easy to scale your services as your business grows without any hidden fees or surprises.

Outsourcing NOC services with a reputable provider like ExterNetworks can enhance your network security, improve communication, and streamline operations.


Outsourcing NOC services can be valuable for businesses looking to enhance their network operations, improve security, and increase efficiency. By addressing common myths about outsourced NOC services and carefully considering key factors such as compliance requirements, uptime needs, scalability, service quality expectations, and potential risks, businesses can make an informed decision on whether outsourcing is the right choice for them.

Choosing a reputable provider like ExterNetworks can help ensure that your organization receives the level of service and support needed to meet your operational needs and goals. By partnering with a trusted MSP, businesses can benefit from expert knowledge, reliable performance, and enhanced security measures to optimize their network operations and drive business success.


About Allan Stuke

Allan Stuke is the VP, Business Development, at ExterNetworks Inc. He has over 30 years of experience in the field of recruiting. He has a successful track record of exceeding corporate goals by helping companies obtain increased value from its talent investment.

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